Sunday, April 29, 2012

TT Summit - last chance

"I was frustrated and stagnant. There was no way I wanted to
keep training long hours with an income that wouldn't even
allow my wife to watch our son as a stay-at-home Mom. 
"Something had to change.
"I was hoping the Summit would help me discover a way out, although
I didn't know what that was. I left discovering who I was, and
started an amazing online business. Going to the TT Summit helped
me add an extra $32,000 to my business last year." - Mike Whitfield 
The price DOUBLES at midnight on Monday night.
So it's your last chance to attend at the Early Bird Discount of only $97.
Discover your way out of the struggles that frustrate you
from having the career and life of your dreams.
For that small investment you get access to a full day with 
Bedros Keuilian, Alwyn Cosgrove, and myself to help you build
your fitness business, and then a second day with the Certified
Turbulence Trainers to give you the latest and greatest fat 
burning workout methods to take home to your clients.
You will leave with a blueprint for success and the motivation
to take action on your dreams.
Make sure to join us at the 2nd TT Summit in June.
Looking forward to hanging out with you there,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Price increases at midnight Monday night.
Make sure to reserve your spot ASAP.

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