Thursday, April 19, 2012

She Lost 22 pounds, He Lost 55 pounds (TT contest winners)

Nikolay lost 55 pounds...
Lisa lost 22 pounds...
Both gained $1000 in the winning their
categories in the 13th TT Transformation Contest.
(Next contest starts on Sunday, May 6th.)
You'll notice that both Nikolay and Lisa used the 24-7
Fat Loss program created by Joel Marion and myself.
What Joel and I deliver WORKS. Period.
That's why you need to grab his report today. It's free
for TT readers.

Here's the
direct access page (please do not
share this's only for subscribers).
Combine that with any of my workouts (TT MRT, 24-7,
or the TT Bodyweight) and you'll lose fat fast. 
Due to popular demand, I've held over the TT
bodyweight manual sale for one more day. Your
chance to get this deluxe bodyweight blueprint
for over half off ends tonight.
So here are your steps to losing fat and gaining 
money at the same time:
Step #1 - Get Joel's report.
Step #2 - Get a TT workout.
Step #3 - Get inspired by our contest winners.
Step #4 - Get ready to join the next contest on May 6th.
Step #5 - Get ready for even more advanced nutrition
and workout plans from Joel and I in just 2 weeks.
Bonus Step - Stay awesome and keep rocking, because that's what you do.
Get ready,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
Author - Upcoming New Program - TT DEEPER Depletion - May 1st

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