Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Leaving Asia Today

Sitting in the airport in Hong Kong waiting for the last flight home to Toronto.

Yesterday we had an excellent 15 hour day with the team at in Kuala Lumpur. I did a presentation on "creating your own code" today. Here's mine

Tomorrow I have a two hour drive to ol' bally the dog. we shall see if he remembers me.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark." – Michaelangelo

Turn your unique ability into success:

Best insight of my trip to Asia, from Matt Smith, ETR publisher: "Work your butt off to let your customers know you love them." - Smith

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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