Thursday, April 12, 2012

Jet Lag Training

My training today wasn't so great. I hope it was just the jet lag from yesterday's flight from Hong Kong.

Here's what I did: Hang clean, jumps, deadlift, front squat, good mornings.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
"If you want MORE of anything in your life, it all starts with LESS of the other stuff. Stop dreaming and start doing." - John Reese

"Long term success is built on credibility and on establishing enduring loving relationships with quality people based on mutually earned trust. Cut all ties with dishonest, negative or lazy people, and associate with people who share your values. You become who you associate with." - Kekich Credo #51

"If you bring value to the table, other people who add value will be attracted to you. If you remove value from the table, people who add value will shy away from you." – Simon Black

A good success quote and article

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - The theme of the 2nd Turbulence Training Summit is, "How to Get Exactly What You Want in Life". This is based on a specific technique I used to accomplish my dreams, as did my guest presenters, Bedros Keuilian, Alwyn Cosgrove, and Mike Whitfield.

Please join us here:

You'll enjoy these two days.

Friday, June 22nd, The Personal Trainer Day

9am - How to TRIPLE Your Productivity and Have More Time for What REALLY Matters in Life - By Craig Ballantyne

10am - Brand NEW, Exclusive Secret Strategies to Getting More Clients - By Bedros Keuilian

12pm - Networking Lunch Break

1pm - Bootcamp Blastoff: How to Go From Zero Clients to Being On Pace for Over $100K Per Year in Just 90 Days

3pm: The Missing LINK in Creating a 7-Figure Fitness Facility From Scratch - By Alwyn Cosgrove

5pm: Dinner Break

7pm: VIP Trainer Reception for First 50 Registered Trainers...

Hang out with Alwyn, Bedros, Craig, and all of the Certified Turbulence Trainers

Saturday, June 23rd, The Fitness Training Day

7-9am: Early Morning Bootcamp Workouts (7am and 8am workouts)

9am: Breakfast Break

9:30am: Kettlebell, TRX, and Secret Ballantyne Workout Demos

10:30am - TT Pushup Contest with BIG Prizes

11am: Workout Finishers With Mikey Whitfield

12pm: Lunch/Networking/Photo Op

1pm: How to Change Your Life in 3 Easy Steps

2:30: Surprise Exercise Contest with BIG Prizes

3pm: How to Get EXACTLY What You Want in Life - By CB

5pm: Closing Ceremonies & TT Trainer of the Year Awards

I'm excited just reading about it.

See you in June.

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