Friday, April 20, 2012

For Trainers

Good week? Great week? Frustrating week?
I hope it was awesome, full of amazing workouts, new clients, referrals,
and gratitude for the change you are making in people's lives.
If it wasn't such a great week, here's how I can help.
On June 22nd, the two top fitness industry business experts are 
going to be in San Diego, California, sharing exclusive, NEW 
secrets on how to get more clients and live the life you deserve.
I've invested a lot of money to get these guys down there for 
your benefit, and it's literally going to be a life-changing event.
You see, both Bedros and Alwyn have overcome MASSIVE 
obstacles standing in their way of success.
At one point, Bedros lived out of a pick-up truck after his first
fitness business went broke. But he changed his mindset, got
a mentor, and has gone on to build - and then sell - a series of
personal training studios in California.
He now runs the most popular bootcamp franchise in the world
and teaches over 40,000 trainers how to grow their business.
Alwyn has had some bad days too. In fact, he's had to beat 
cancer TWICE, and yet he had set up his business to take care
of himself financially despite being in the hospital for months
at a time.
If you want to discover the secrets to overcoming obstacles, to 
building the business and life of your dreams, then join us 
in San Diego in June.
I guarantee it will be the best single day devoted to your
fitness business ever. 
Plus, I'll be showing you my time management secrets that will
TRIPLE your productivity, and then on Saturday, June 23rd, I 
will show you the exercise I've used to get EXACTLY what I've
always wanted in life.
So, let's summarize:
Bedros Keuilian - Check.
Alwyn Cosgrove - Check.
Craig Ballantyne - Check.
You getting EXACTLY what you want out of life - ?
It's up to you.
Join us at the 2nd Turbulence Training Summit if you want 
to check that off your list.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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