Sunday, April 01, 2012

Colorado meathead workout

Just about ready to head to the gym here in Golden, Colorado, for a Meathead Upper Body workout. It will include dumbbell presses, pulldowns, bench press, rows, and some arms. Good times.

I've been up since 3:30am local time (5:30am back home in Toronto time) working on writing projects that must be finished before I head off on an extremely long journey tomorrow.

We head from Denver to Seattle, then Seattle to Vancouver, and finally from Vancouver to Hong Kong on Monday afternoon. We'll arrive in HK on Tuesday at 7pm HK time (7am back in Toronto).

Needless to say, my brain and circadian rhythm will be quite messed up. Should be interesting to see how I deal with it. Any tips?

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Short-term pain from discipline equals long-term gain from progress. Long-term pain comes from a lack of short-term discipline. It's a very simple, yet powerful relationship.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. So don't dwell on past mistakes. Instead, focus on what you can and will do today, tomorrow, and the rest of your life, and all of the great things that will happen because of your actions. Get strong, be strong, stay strong.

If you don't have social support, take charge as the leader. Be confident in your choices. People will respect your decisions, even if it seems at first that they don't. Eventually, a lot of people will come to you for advice and support. You are the one making the right decision. Never forget that.

Have a big week,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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