Monday, April 23, 2012

Best chest workout and bench press video

Since it is #Meathead Monday all around the world, and guys are doing chest workouts after work, here are some great tips for you.

First, my best chest workout:

Second, a bench press workout video for you:

Next, for trainers...this guys made a HUGE Life Switch at the TT Summit last year (get ready to be inspired)

Today's KickButt Mindset Tips:
You don't 'find time' for the important things in life, you MAKE time. If there is something you want to do, something you want to accomplish, start making time in your life for it right now.

How to get MORE done in less time

Finally, today's Internet Independence Tip:
"Don't assume others (your prospects) believe what you believe. Most people reject 'open architecture'." – Dan Kennedy

Most people don't believe they have the ability to change their life…OR they believe YOU can change, but they can't. Never forget the scepticism you must
overcome when persuading someone to take action.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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