Saturday, March 03, 2012

My Free Productivity Presentation for You

On Friday morning I gave my Time/Energy Management and Productivity presentation at an exclusive business seminar.

We've put the presentation online for you to review here:


One of my final slides was about diet, exercise, and my #1 sleep habit tip for optimal energy.

Without a doubt, the most comprehensive nutrition program that gets my strongest recommendation to is that of my friend, Isabel De Los Rios.

Isabel is actually an executive coaching client of mine, where I help her plan her business, sort out the vision for her life and family, and increase her productivity.

A lot of what I covered in the presentation on Friday is what I go over with her on our phone calls.

She's my favorite client ever, and her nutrition program will probably be your favorite fat loss diet ever.

Get your copy of Isabel's Healthy Fat Loss Diet here


Have a productive week,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Big news on the 2012 Turbulence Training Summit coming later this week.

Big, big news.

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