Saturday, February 04, 2012

Training with Roman today

Last night we hit the Blue Fugu Hibachi steakhouse in St. Pete's for a big group dinner. John "Roman" Romaniello and I discussed some prettttty, pretttty cool projects that he has coming out in 2012. It's going to be a huge year for him.

And today will be a huge day for me because he and I will be working out in Tampa. I'm deadlifting. Not sure what he'll be doing. But we are working on a new program for you called, "Turbulence Forever". It will be out on Tuesday.

We even worked on a little article for you about the Fat Loss WHOOSH effect. Check it out...somewhat controversial - here:


Here's a tip for you today:

Take time to review your food intake and continue to do so for the next 5-7 days. You'll learn SO much about your body and how it reacts to certain foods, plus you'll identify *hidden* calories in your diet that might be sabotaging your results. What are YOUR favorite fitness/nutrition apps and websites to monitor your diet?

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
If evil be spoken of you and it be true, correct yourself, if it be a lie, laugh at it. – Epictetus

Attitude and desire contribute the most to achievement. Check yours. Are they right for what you want in your life? Believe in yourself and never give up.

Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher. – Japanese Proverb

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - On a random note...'s what the Google knows about you...and how you can change it


1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see what you and Roman come up with Craig!
