Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Certified TT Trainer is Making an Impact on the World

"What if?".  That question can move you and scare you.  

For Mike, the question is scary.

What if he didn't get certified?

Where would he be?

Find out here and discover the IMPACT he is making now

You'll discover how he more than doubled the size of his bootcamp program and is starting to have a GLOBAL impact in the fitness industry, with his programs now sold in over a dozen countries.

That's serious.

He's even helped three clients win $3500 of my money in the TT Transformation Contests.

You think his clients are showing him a little love after that?

You think?

Just imagine how many lives would have missed OUT on this impact if he didn't get Certified.

But he did, and now he's on a Mission.

Learn more about real IMPACT here

Next week will be the next opportunity for new trainers to get TT Certified and to be part of the 1 Million Mission.

But it will only be available for the first 5 trainers to take action.

It all starts Monday, March 5th.

Don't be left asking, "What If".

Looking forward to seeing you in the Club,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Creator, Turbulence Training Certification

PS - Only TT Trainers receive free admission to the TT Trainer Summit in San Diego this June.

If you hesitate and wait to join, the price of admission alone to the TT Trainer Summit will be $197.

Stay tuned for Monday's TT Certification opening announcement.

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