Friday, February 17, 2012

CB Workout in Details Magazine

Free workout from ol' CB in the April issue of Details magazine. Yep, Details. Surprizes. Someone just told me they've read the issue, so it must be out now. Make sure you get APRIL. Don't get March and then yell at me. Like I did. I bought March b/c I thought it was going to be in there.

Also, I have a tip in the David Beckham issue of Men's Health. More magazine announcements soon...

Today's Workout:
Cleans, deadlifts, front squat, glute ham raises.

Today's Training Resource...another old man's old-man warm-up:

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Admit to – and learn from – your mistakes. Mistakes are actually great things that happen to all of us…because with the knowledge you gain from them, you are able to achieve the best things in your life. Without the lows in life, the highs would never really seem that high.

"Stop hoping for a completion of anything in life... Do what you love to do, what you are waiting to do, what you've been born to do, now." – David Deida

Spend less money on yourself and more money on other people - you will be happier. - Michael Norton

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - I'm booked for this epic Maverick Business Adventure trip

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