Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Butt Kicking Blues Curing Tips

Well, after I got my butt kicked by the altitude here in Colorado while trying to do some incline sprints on the treadmill, it was time to go.

As I mentioned earlier, I topped out at 10 incline and 8.5mph for 45 second intervals. That's well below my best fitness level.

My goal is to work up to 10 intervals of 30 seconds at 10mph at a 10 incline.

That's part of a bigger fitness goal that I'll soon be telling you about...there's an event in June I'm doing, and it's going to require EVERYTHING I've got.

The altitude isn't the only thing about Colorado that is awesome.

This place has 310 days per year of sunshine...

...but not every place does, and that's a BIG problem.

I was lucky enough to be in Colorado this week doing some personal executive coaching and it was sunny and beautiful...and a great cure for Winter Blahs, like these:

=> http://www.ttfatloss.com/health/fighting-the-winter-blahs/

We sure as heck don't get that back in Toronto where it's cold and grey (and even raining).

Cold + Grey + 14 hours of darkness = Winter Blahs

So I did some research and here's how you CURE the winter blahs. Check out my article here:

=> http://www.ttfatloss.com/health/fighting-the-winter-blahs/

You'll discover the...

1) #1 vitamin you must increase to cure the blahs
2) How to get by with a little help from ____ ____
3) The exact nutrition strategies you MUST use

All that and more in your recipe to CURE the winter blahs here:

=> http://www.ttfatloss.com/health/fighting-the-winter-blahs/

And make sure to post YOUR TIPS for curing the winter blahs in the comments section.

To your health all year long,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Be back tomorrow with some advanced workout tips that TT Members are using for maximum rapid fat loss.

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