Friday, January 27, 2012

Austin Adventures in Peanut Butter

Austin, TX, first stop: Wal-Mart grocery store for supplies. Broccoli, water, apples, bread, peanut butter (no sugar), vitamin C, and fish oils.

That'll keep me in my routine,,,but will definitely hit some tacos while I'm in town are where?

But first, some adventures in peanut butter...I got to my room with my jar of natural peanut butter...and then realized I didn't have anything to stir it up with...then I remembered I brought a brand new toothbrush, so I cracked open the case and used it to mix the peanut butter and oil together...and the best part about natural peanut butter is that you can pretty much drink the peanut butter out of the jar, like a thick shake. Good times.

Survey: What's your choice?...Smooth peanut butter, chunky peanut butter, raw almond butter, or OMG-no peanut butter, it will kill me

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Not a fun one today…but an important one: "Ask yourself "Why?" you want to achieve something but you refuse to act in congruence with achieving it." – Dan Kennedy

What would it take for you to give up that one big bad habit that is standing in your way of success? Can you do it? Wouldn't it change everything if you did?

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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