Thursday, December 01, 2011

Tons of training tips today

Today's Training: Box Jumps, Squats, Lunges, Glute Ham Raises, Leg Raises. Trying out some tips for a new Meatheads program. That unfortunately won't be out until Feb 2012. But still, worth the wait.

What you don't have to wait for is an article I wrote this morning...literally as soon as I woke up from a dream about how you can lose fat and gain muscle over the holidays. It was 4:43am and I had a dream that a client was struggling to keep the fat off over the holidays. So, I got up, petted the dog, and wrote you this article


Actually, I gave him a belly rub too, then I wrote the article. A pet just won't do at 5am.

Funny thing, he sleeps out in the living room, but walks in every 15 minutes after 4am to see if you're awake. Today he got lucky, because I was up early. Usually he has to wait until 5am.

Today's Training Resources:
This program, from Certified TT Trainer, Mike Whitfield, is quickly on its way to becoming legendary in the TT world


New article from Certified TT Trainer, Scott Rawcliffe

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
‎"Incalculable effort and hardship over countless generations evolved into the life, values, and happiness we take for granted today. Every day should be a
celebration of existence. Aspire to create, achieve and build onto the great value momentum taking place all around you." - Kekich Credo #23

And finally, I like this message about the 1%:

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - The world does not reward average people well, so I will be extraordinary. – Ted Nicholas

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