Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday Off Day and Miami Hotel Comparison

No workout today, just stretching and a 3-mile walk from the Fontainebleau Hotel to the Setai Hotel - and back - here in Miami Beach. I've been to Miami Beach four times, and twice I stayed at the Setai, once at a friend's house, and then once at the Fontainebleau.

The Setai has a better location because it's closer to Lincoln Road, the touristy area with shops and restaurants. It also has a nicer beach and is much quieter (no nightclub or party atmosphere).

However, the Fontainebleau is like a Vegas hotel minus the casino. Lots of partying, one of the coolest lobby bars in the world, better - and more - restaurants, a much better pool scene, and unfortunately/fortunately, everything that goes with all of these.

For example, there was a large vomit stain outside the elevators on the 4th floor this morning when I went to go for my walk. On the bright side, I slept through the vomiting, as my room was right beside the elevators.

So...where will I stay in the future? Tough call...the gym is better at the FB as well...and there really isn't a big reason to go down to I'll probably be back to the Fontainebleau in the future - IF my work brings me down here again. I don't have any plans to be in Miami again in 2012, but you never know with all the crazy stuff I do.

Just wait until you hear about this trip I have planned for Vegas in April...

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Do more - and do better - because you can.

Today's Mental Training Resource:
This is really cool that 561 people have recommended this article - goal is to hit 1000 recommendations before Jan 1st…my favorite rule is #8:


And don't forget your Success Plan:
Proven principles for success: 1) Show up. 2) Get outside comfort zone 3) Take the necessary actions to move forward 4) Get the social support you need 5) Never give up

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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