Thursday, December 08, 2011

Miami Meathead Workout

Today I did a workout in the gym at the Fontainebleau hotel in Miami. There are 10 walls in it. It was like a circus funhouse in there. I felt like I was lost in a maze sometimes.

However, it's a great hotel gym and I had a good workout. Started with pushups (hit a maximum of 55 reps in first set), supersetted with pullups, and followed by db press, db row (had 85lbs db's), face pulls, and bw triceps extensions.

Down in Miami at Yanik Silver's "Maverick Business Adventures" annual meeting. Hanging out with business owners from all over the world dedicated to improving the lives of others. High energy. Valuable connections. And while I'd rather be at home writing, SHOWING UP to these events is extremely important. Outside comfort zone = Dramatic steps forward. Big news coming after this weekend regarding an ETR event...

And the Universe answers...I've been looking for someone to create some content for a new project...couldn't find them on Elance...and so I went to Maverick Business Adventures get-together last night in Miami...and the first person Yanik Silver introduces me to SOLVED the problem. Proven principles FTW: 1) Show up. 2) Get outside comfort zone 3) Take the necessary actions to move forward 4) Get the social support you need 5) Never give up.

Today's Training Resources:
MRT, MCT, and MFF QNA - with words longer than 3 letters

Benefits of MRT

Top weapons for your 6-pack abs mission, from Certified Turbulence Trainer and International Man of Mystery - Mike Whitfield

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Imagine, in some strange Dr. Evil/Austin Powers scenario, that your life depended on you being as HAPPY as possible tomorrow. What would you need to do to accomplish pure happiness? And what resources would you really need to accomplish this? I'm betting it wouldn't take a lot of money…but it would take the right people. Remember this in your daily chase of "more".

And today's Independence Invitation from my friend Bedros Keuilian:
Who's interested in launching a fitness info product? You might want to join me and Craig Ballantyne in Las Vegas for a six person private mastermind (only two seats lefts). DETAILS:

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS, CTT

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