Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday No Workout

I don't like skipping Monday workouts. But that's the way my schedule fell this week. So just stretches and dog walks today. A lot of work to do anyways.

So far I've planned the December 24-7 workout of the month for members.

Good fitness QnA session on FB:

Q: What's the best way to pack-up when travelling for business without having to pack twice of everything (like gym shoes, work shoes, and all the clothes)

I use a Red Oxx bag, and can go to europe for 2 weeks without checking a bag. Mind you, the secret is to do laundry while you are there...either by renting an apartment or paying the hotel to do it. But I take Nike Frees and flipflops in the bag and wear dress shoes on the plane (or swich with the frees). This probably requires a video. But again, its all about laundry while traveling.

Training Resource of the day - TRX and KB workout:


Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip
Short-term pain from discipline equals long-term gain from progress. Long-term pain comes from a lack of short-term discipline. It's a very simple, yet powerful relationship.

A great way to start your week is by recognizing someone else for a job well done. Most people don't get enough - or any appreciation at all. You could make someone's day today.

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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