Saturday, November 05, 2011

Great food in Atlanta

Had some really great food yesterday here in Atlanta. Starting with Hooters of course, after doing a deadlift workout. We had grilled fish tacos. Yes, at Hooters.

Great dinner at Rathbun's Steakhouse in Atlanta last night. Cowboy ribeye, hickory smoked greens, and roasted brussel sprouts.

Thanks to Diana Keuilian for the bag of amazing CCCC's -

Of course, you know that ___ is more important than ____, right?


And now a gift for you. Here's why:

Research shows only 4% of Facebook pages ever get 10,000 friends, so THANK YOU for being a part of Turbulence Training. You rock. Make sure you've downloaded your free TT Gauntlet workout for being a friend of TT on FB


Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
It is tempting for us - myself included - to remain in our comfort zones. But that is not where we grow, improve, and make the changes necessary to dramatically move ahead. So my challenge to you to do the opposite. Look at what you are doing to stay in your comfort zone and think, "What is the opposite action of my instinct? And would this opposite action be the better solution?"

Good question to think about courtesy of Dan Kennedy's presentation the other night..."Are you REALLY giving your customers what they want?"...or are you
forcing your products on the market. Clearly you want to be in the former situation.

And finally, I just recorded an podcast with joe and dean in their hotel room here in atlanta. good times. I'll let you know when its online.

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - The list you need in your life


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