Saturday, November 26, 2011

Beach Saturday

Haha, just heard the "more cowbell" song at the gym. Make it count and put some more cowbell into your workout today.

Hypocritically, all i did was rolling on a PVC pipe and stretching...but the PVC pipe definitely puts more cowbell into 'foam rolling'.

Followed that up with a 2 hour dog walk with extra dogbell. We went to the Toronto beaches and he had some good sprints and wrestling with a dog named, "buddy". Then he went in the lake. Then on the way home he ran into Buddy again and did more dog wrestling. Should be tired today, which is good, because I have to go out all afternoon.

Today's Workout Resource:
3 ways to make your workout harder

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
"Know where you're going. Create a personal mission or vision statement for your life." – Frank McKinney

By the way, if you're a trainer, my friend Bedros Keuilian from posted this on his Facebook page yesterday. It's amazing to help you get more clients:

Imagine if between now and December 31st you...
- Ran a 28 Day transformation content to your list
- Held a client referral content giving the winner a flat screen TV
- went to and bought mailing addresses of 5000 women, in your zip code, between 31-60, with household income of $100K plus
- mail this list a "New Year Revolution" promotion
- mail hand written thank you cards to your clients and follow it up with a personal phone call and offer them the "awesome clients only deal", 12 months paid in full for a killer price.
- systematically reactive former clients using a three step snail mail, email, phone call script.
- adopt a family or shelter, institute a Saturday drop in fee for all community members, and donate all the money generated from the next 4 Saturdays to this cause.

That would have a profound impact on your business wouldn't it?

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - "Recognize your highest calling as early as possible in life." – Frank McKinney, Make It Big

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