Friday, November 18, 2011

Bally and My Workouts

Ol' bally the dog had an amazing run at the dog park today with a labradoodle and a ridgeback. I haven't seen him run like that in a long time. Good ol' poochy.

My training today: Box jumps, squats, lunges, glute ham raise, ball rollouts.

My latest Men's Health workout tips exposed - uncensored guideline to your Thanksgiving and SuperBowl Sunday workout


Also, congratulations to Ray Ortiz, the latest Certified Turbulence Trainer. He's part of the 1 million mission - - #FOGR. Check out Ray's Bootcamp at in Toronto

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
‎"Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment." - Ralph Waldo Emerson.....So don't wait any longer. Take action toward your goals today.

"Your network determines your net-worth"....reach out and contact at least one person every day. Identify how you can help them. Be a value adder.

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS, CTT

PS - Bonus gift fo you...a training call with my Scottish friend, Alwyn Cosgrove. We talk about metabolic resistance training and the importance of
foam rolling. You can download it here: (BTW, I also have a Turbulence Training podcast on Itunes with over 100 podcasts on it about training, nutrition, and interviews with fitness experts).

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