Tuesday, November 01, 2011

All mindset today

Later I'll be doing a traditional interval training workout from www.247FatLoss.com, but the rest of today's tips are all mindset. Enjoy.

If you had to tell the world, would you eat it? So start keeping a public food journal online. You'll start eating better, trust me. Imagine you were wearing a camera on your head, 24 hours a day. That would knock some sense into our behaviors pretty quickly. Don't waste weeks and months of hard work on a simple few seconds of indulgence.

Keep track of the big lessons you learn everyday. Most people gloss over some of the most significant lessons in their lives because we're often too busy to reflect on what we learned. They remain reactive to life, never proactive. There is no self-reflection among the masses, and therefore they remain on the treadmill of life, doing the same thing over and over again and wondering why they aren't getting the results they want.

"Fill your life with positive expectations. Demand the best. Attitude and desire contribute to 90% of your achievement." – Kekich Credo #86…Drop the negatives. Hang around positive people. And most importantly, believe in – and expect more of – yourself.

‎"The best investment you will ever make is your steady increase of knowledge. Invest in yourself. Thirty minutes of study per day eventually makes you an expert in any subject – but only if you apply that knowledge." – Kekich Credo #93

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS


  1. Mindset is an important part of lifestyle change, and one that is usually ignored.
    Determination to succeed can't be undervalued.

  2. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Craig, I eat 6 times/day every 3 hours. Im at around 12.9% BF, 6'1'' and 3/4, and 165 lbs. I'm trying to get under 10% BF, while maintaining/gaining muscle of course. Can you let me know if I can make it happen with this meal plan (note: the whole wheat bread I eat is 40 cal/slice kind, real small): MEAL 1 (Breakfast): Oatmeal w skim milk/cinnamon/pinch of brown sugar, 3 eggs on 1 piece whole wheat toast with a sprinkle of cheese and spinach, small glass skim milk and 3 cups water. MEAL 2: 2 pieces whole wheat toast with organic peanut butter and hempseed, apple, brocolli, spinach, quinoa, 2 cups water. WORKOUT TIME. MEAL 3 (post workout): whey protein in water, half cup of skim choc milk, banana, brocolli,spinach,quinoa,maybe small piece of chicken, and 1 piece of w.w. toast with almond butter and hempseed, 3 cups water, MEAL 5: 2 cups water, big bowl of greek yogurt, almonds/walnuts, spinach. MEAL 6 (before bed): fat free cottage cheese (on 1/2 a piece of w.w. toast, just so I can actually eat cottage cheese, since it's not the best eating it by itself), a couple almonds, half glass of skim milk...DONE!!!! Any insight/specific details to the things I can improve would be amazing! Thanks!
