Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Winners of the TT TRX Giveaway

Fighting for honor and respect - announcing the two winners of the Turbulence Training TRX
giveaway and an important question for you

- http://workoutmanuals.com/fighting-for-respect-and-honor/

Today's workout for me was just okay...it's an easy week, and so I skipped deadlifts because my
hamstrings are still a little sore from last Saturday. Went to Gold's Gym in Austin this morning and did
some rows and shrugs instead, plus stability ball leg curls and stretching. Heading home to Toronto
later today.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips

We don't always win. But if we fight the good fight, we stay strong, and we keep moving towards our

‎"The world does not reward average people well so I will be extraordinary." – Ted Nicholas

Reject fear, greed, and doubt. – Bedros Keuillian

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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