Sunday, October 16, 2011

Hard Rock Bodyweight Workout

A little Bodyweight Circuit to start the morning in my hotel room. Did a circuit from the upcoming
Bodyweight Cardio 4-Hundred program that will be the November TT workout of the month. It was
tough, and I've added a few new exercises.

Had an easy Saturday night in Vegas...but not worries, I'll be back here again in January to enjoy
some more adventures. Thursday and Friday were pretty late nights. Time for a flight back to Toronto
and a big week with my website. Plus a squat workout on Monday morning as I
hit the final week of my current program - which has been a little messed up by all my traveling.

Today's training
Truth about body transformations

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips to start the week right:
Failure means you've stopped. So don't stop. Keep at it. Never, ever, ever give up. The more you move
in the right direction towards success, the better you'll feel. Every day work on making new positive
habits second nature – make them automatic. "If you're struggling with any issue, whether it's diet or
exercise, the trick is to switch it in your mind first so that it becomes easier to do it." - Dr. Richard

"This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it." – Ralph Waldo
Emerson. Wherever you are today, be present. Enjoy the people you are with, the food you are eating,
the work you are doing, the weather you have, and the opportunities that exist.

Take a few minutes and start this daily gratitude habit today (video explanation to be revealed this

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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