Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Another Mexico Meathead Workout and Resort Review

Upper body Meathead workout done in the resort gym this morning down here in Mexico.

Pulldowns, db incline press, db chest supported row, pushups, face pulls, and arms. Great times.

By the way, we stayed at the Secrets Silversprings resort, and I have enjoyed it the most of the three
resorts I've stayed at in the past year. The Secrets Maroma was also nice, but Silversprings has much
more pool area, including an infinity pool. The service is also better here and it's only 25 minutes
from the airport.

I've stayed at the Tulum Dreams resort, which was also nice, but over 90 minutes from the Cancun
airport. Unless you want to spend a lot of time in Playa Del Carmen, there's no reason to go that far
from the airport - in my opinion.

So if you're looking for a nice resort where you'll be happy to just lounge out for a few days, then
Silversrpings is your spot. If you're looking for more adventure, then I'm of no help to you.

Oh, and the gym at Silversprings was the best of the 3.

Today's training resource:

Another awesome ab training TRX article from Certified Turbulence Trainer, Mike Whitfield

- http://workoutmanuals.com/ab-training-with-the-trx/

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip
Remember that setback you had yesterday/last week/last month/last year? Well, it only served to
make you STRONGER than before and you keep getting stronger every day. Right? So much can be
accomplished with a long term vision and resilience to short term setbacks

Today's Independence Tip:
Someone asked me, "What's the ONE thing you need for success", and here's my politically incorrect

- http://internetindependence.com/one-thing-you-need-to-do

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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