Tuesday, October 18, 2011

39 Year Old Success Story with Turbulence Training

Check out what Eliu Cordova, a member of the US Navy, has been able to do with TT and the new TT Metabolic Finishers program:

"My ship left on deployment in May, 2011, and that's when I started my TT workouts and I gotta say that I was impressed.

I'd been intrigued with this type of metabolic training for some time but hadn't really committed myself to it, but once I started the TT workouts, I was hooked. I like the way I feel after a TT workout. I usually feel energized, as if I could do an entire TT workout again. I don't, since I'm a bit older (39) and know my body can't recover as quickly as it used to.

I love all the TT workouts. I bought the original, but recently I also purchased TT Metabolic Finishers, and I've become obsessed with this type of training. It's taken my conditioning to a whole new level.

At 39, I'm in the best shape I've been in since I was in my twenties. I can pop out 100 pushups, 20 chinups, clean and jerk 150 lbs, front squat 185 lbs for 3 reps, and deadlift 285 lbs all while weighing a little less than 145 lbs. My resting heart rate is around 52, and my fat is less than 15%. Thanks for a great and quality product."
Eliu Cordova

That is one super-fit 39 year old. Impressive stuff.

And that is why I do this.

It's your transformations that have inspired me to dedicate almost half of my life to teaching my friends and family (and that includes you) about health, fitness, and nutrition.

But I know you haven't tried Turbulence Training yet, and so I'm making you an offer you can't refuse this week.

Just try it for the next 21 days for only $1 here:

=> http://www.turbulencetraining.com/ForOnly1Dollar.shtml

When you get started, make sure you stop by the TT Member's forum and say "Hi", introduce yourself, and ask me your #1 fat loss exercise or nutrition question.

Here to serve you,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, TT Metabolic Finishers - Now available for ALL TT Members

PS - Visit this link to get your 3-month TT membership as a bonus when you get the Turbulence Training program for just one dollar:

=> http://www.turbulencetraining.com/ForOnly1Dollar.shtml

PPS - I will soon add "TT Bodyweight Cardio 4-Hundred" to the member's site, and you'll get that program as another bonus when you take the $1 trial offer. Sweet deal. (Program will be added to the member's area on November 1st.)

1 comment:

  1. Wow ....

    Great results.
    I can pop out 100 pushups, 20 chinups, clean and jerk 150 lbs, front squat 185 lbs for 3 reps, and deadlift 285 lbs all while weighing a little less than 145 lbs

    Gotta love that "drop and give me 100" level of fitness!
