Monday, August 15, 2011

Sunday's workout

Good times,

Sunday's workout was short but fast paced.

Started with a big warm-up.

1A) Towel 1-Arm Row
1B) Pushups
1C) Towel 1-Arm Row
1D) X-Body Mountain Climbers

2A) 30 Second Burpees
2B) 30 Second Diagonal Lunges

3A) Towel Chest Press
3B) Reverse Lunges

4A) 20 Second Burpees
4B) Mountain Climbers

5A) 10 Second Burpees
5B) Close Grip Pushups to Failure
5C) Bodyweight Squat – Timed Intervals

Followed by a swim in a cool Lithuanian lake, then a nap, then a sauna party with Karoke. Lots of fun.

Off to Austria now.

From the Vilnius airport,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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