Saturday, August 06, 2011

My abs are still sore

Almost 48 hours later and my abs are still sore from Friday morning's workout of PowerWheel rollouts and Powerwheel handwalks.

Yesterday I did my final squat workout of my current 4-week program and today I did the bench press session. I'll take tomorrow off - going to the beach - and then will deadlift on Monday.

Tuesday night I fly to Lithuania for 5 days, followed by 4 days in Austria (hiking) and then one day in Copenhagen. So my heavy lifting sessions will be on a 2-week break. I'll resume my next 4 week program on Monday, August 22nd.

If you want a bodyweight workout for holidays, get this one - no equipment needed:

=> Bodyweight Cardio 3

Today's Training Resource:
Two new bodyweight and kettlebell workout videos from Certified Turbulence Trainer, Chris Lopez on his blog:

=> Kettlebells, Bodyweight, and TRX

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Change your mindset. You are a person who can and will succeed. Truly believe in yourself.

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." - William James

Today's Independence Tip:
Simplest, best, general advice: Get a mentor. An ethical, wise, worth-emulating mentor.

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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