Monday, July 11, 2011

Fantastic 400 Workout

Just finished doing my new bodyweight challenge, The Fantastic 400, in my backyard. At 9am it was already hot and humid, so the sweat was pouring off me even more than normal. And the dog was doing all his barking in the shade.

It was a lot of fun, and I finished up with some ab exercises using the Power Wheel.

To be honest I wanted to keep going, but combined with my old-man warm-up, I'd been out there for 60 minutes, and that was enough. Time for me to get back to work, and for the dog to get back to lying around. He's already in "dog days of summer" mode.

The Fantastic 400 Workout will be available next week - July 19th. But if you are a TT Platinum Member, you can get it early - in addition to having access to EVERY TT workout I've created. Here's the link to this very special deal available this week only:

=> Ultimate Turbulence Training Deal

Today's training resource is a new article I've written for you, showing you:
=> 10 ways to speed up your workout 

Also, yesterday I added a new trainer bio to the TT world. Please meet Daniel Woodrum, the 1st Certified Turbulence Trainer from one of my favorite states, South Carolina

=> South Carolina's 1st TT Trainer

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
"Figure out what you want. Focus on it. Find people who have achieved what you want and find out how they think and act, and then follow their lead." – Bill Harris

Today's Independence Tip:
"Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them." Go Giver Law #2, from the book "The Go Giver". A very good read.

Go give it,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Discover the 1 Million Mission of Turbulence Training


  1. Hey Craig, is the Fantastic 400 available to buy as a stand alone workout?

  2. No, it will not be available as a stand alone. But you'll get it as a bonus with John Romaniello's SuperHero Workout next week.

