Sunday, June 26, 2011

Old Man Warmup

Did an Old-Man Warm-up mobility off-day session today to prepare for a big deadlift workout tomorrow. Really looking forward to the deadlift session. Last week of a 4 week program, and the rest of next week will be easy.

Here's the link to my original old-man warm-up article:

=> Old Man Warm-up and Workout

And here's a "workout" that is similar to my old-man workout system. Go to Page 2 of this link

=> Another Old Man Workout

Today's Training Resource:

TRX workout for you from Certified Turbulence Trainer, Chris Lopez

=> TRX Exercise Circuit Workout

And today's kickbutt mindset tip:

"Fill your life with positive expectations. Demand the best. Attitude and desire contribute to 90% of your achievement." – Kekich Credo #86

Drop the negatives. Hang around positive people. And most importantly, believe in – and expect more of – yourself. Encourage people's dreams and give them hope.

And today's Independence Tip:

This exercise is so awesome...just re-did it for a new business. Excitement level went from 11/10 to 21/10

=> Complete Your Business Vision

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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