Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Kong Exercise

What a crazy past 48 hours it has been. I'm down in South Florida on a business trip that has turned
from dream to nightmare and back and forth a few times.

So yesterday morning I "beat the stress out of myself" with a crazy bodyweight workout down on the

It was really hot and humid by the time I got going (at 7am), and I turned up the sweat by doing the
"Kong" exercise.

I can't put this exercise into words, but my buddies Adam and Ryan made a video of it and you can
check it out on my blog here:


You've never seen anything like this before...well, unless you've watched "King Kong".

Imagine me doing this exercise in front of'll make you laugh.

Oh, and there are a few other really cool exercises in the video.

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Certified Turbulence Trainer

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:22 PM

    this was an exercise we did in bootcamp! part of a minture-per-station circuit. thighs well and truly annihilated

    did the screw exercise earlier- i like! this is the beauty of bodyweight training, the sheer variety keeps it fresh and fun

    see my blog and you'll see evidence of putting adam's ideas into practice. already! i am nothing if not quite to absorb new ideas!
