Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Personal Memoir

Last year I wrote a 40-page "Personal Memoir" that discusses my struggles with anxiety, the lessons I learned while coping with the passing of my father, and 8 other personal topics.

It's a printed book, not something you download off the Internet, and I think you'll enjoy it, and learn powerful lessons about perseverance and getting out of your comfort zone.

I'll ship it to your house for less than 10 bucks - no matter where you live in the world - and I'll also send you the first TWO copies of my advanced TT Secret Society newsletter.

Get your copy of my Personal Memoirs here

It's funny, I actually lose at least $3 on every American order, and over $7 on every International order.

But it's worth it to me if I can get this information to you, because I know it will help you make dramatic changes in your body transformation and fat loss program.

Easily the best book I've ever written.

If you don't agree, just let me know and I'll refund your 10 bucks, and let you keep your copy. That's okay with me.

But when you do get it, schedule an hour in your favorite chair with your favorite cold drink, and soak up the lessons.

=> Get your copy of my Personal Memoirs here

Let me know if you have any questions about it,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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