Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Kickbutt Mindset Tips

Doing a TT Filming Session later today, so no heavy lifting for me. But I will hit a deadlift workout tomorrow. I also have a lot of kickbutt mindet tips for
you today.

But first, I just advised a TT member to use this workout next on his quest for losing the last few percent bodyfat and to get ripped (since he's already used TT for Buff Dudes and Hot Chicks)

=> Hardcore Fat Loss Workout

We'll be filming more youtube videos today as well.

Kickbutt Mindset Tips
If you fall "off the wagon", cut your losses, don't worry about it, and get right back on track - Immediately. It's minor damage that can be dealt with.

"It is not failure itself that holds you back; it is the fear of failure that paralyzes you." - Brian Tracy......So if there is something you've been wanting to do, take at least one small step in that direction today.

"If you want MORE of anything in your life, it all starts with LESS of the other stuff." - John Reese

Internet Tip of the Day
And if you have a website business, here's a really important interview for you to listen to. It's some serious stuff that you - and everyone else who has a website business - MUST listen to...it's for your protection

=> Interview with Internet Lawyer Mike Youngs

Kick butt,

Craig Ballantyne
The Kickbutt Workout

PS - Start your day right...

"First thing to do every morning is read or listen to something positive. Your mind is like a garden - whatever you plant grows. Plant good stuff." - Alwyn  Cosgrove Two-time Stage IV Cancer survivor

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