Wednesday, March 30, 2011

TT Trainer and Father of 5

Back in 2009 I worked with Chris Lopez on the original Turbulence Training Certification, and in fact, Chris was the first trainer I ever certified. Here's what Chris, a busy father of 5 (I know, how can a guy who looks so young have FIVE kids?), had to say about his experiences with the TT Certification: => First Certified TT Trainer Speaks Out It's impressive how, like you, Chris simply wanted to re-design his life so he could work with more clients but at the same time have more time for his kids. And with the TT Certification and client attraction tools, he was able to do that. Find out how Chris' life changed here: => TT Trainer Changes His Life I can't thank Chris enough for committing to be part of the TT Million Transformation Mission. And I can't wait for you to join us too, Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS Creator, Turbulence Training Certification

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