Thursday, March 31, 2011

Founder's Club Closes Friday at Midnight

It's been a stressful last 36 hours...on Wednesday at about 6pm I received a message from a friend's wife who told me that he had been in a freak accident... I spent yesterday on a plane flying to spend yesterday afternoon in the hospital with him (fortunately everything is going to be okay).

In addition, and I have to be honest with you, I'm going to come up a bit short of my goal of recruiting 50 trainers to join my 1 Million Transformation Mission this week.

It was my goal to have 50 new trainers join the TT Founder's Club this week, but if that doesn't happen, I'm not stopping.

In fact, it just means more personal attention for those trainers who have taken action and believe in my Mission.

And so I've decided the TT Founder's Club is still going to close Friday at midnight so that I can get to work rewarding the fast action taking trainers with personal attention.

That means your last chance to join the TT Founder's Club and receive all of the extra benefits (including free admission to the TT Certification Summit this Fall) is here:

=> Turbulence Training Certification Founder's Club

The price will also INCREASE by $200 when we re-open the TT Certification later this summer

Now I know some potential TT Trainers had questions about the TT Certification, so here they are with my answers:

Q - "Hi Craig, I run a boot camp and am considering your TT certification. We do mostly body weight and some equipment other than that necessary? Space is an issue. Thanks." - Kristina


Hi Kristina, thanks for your question and interest. There will be no problem. The certification shows you how to get better results for your clients no matter what - and shows you how to get more clients too.

Q - "Hi Craig, any plans to extend this certification within Asia?" - Francisco


Francisco, there is no geographical limitation. Everything is done by online video, so you can get started immediately, no matter where you are in the world.

Q - "How does the cert work are there exams/tests etc after watching the DVDs?" - Lisa


Yes Lisa, there is a 3-part exam. The first part is multiple choice, the second is 5 essay questions, and the 3rd part is an 8-week fat loss program design choosing from one of three case studies. I will mark all of these personally. Looking forward to yours.

Q - "So, what is the time line on this? How long will it take to learn the program, prepare for, and take the exam? Is there a deadline for the first 50? Can I do this on a part-time basis? Is there still room?" - Shelley


Hi Shelley, there is still room, but the Founder's Club will shut down tonight, whether we hit 50 trainers or not. There is about 15 hours worth of video to watch. You can do this on your own schedule and then submit the exam and program design that must be completed.

Q - "Is there a payment plan?" - Christian


Yes, great question Christian. We've added a payment plan to the site here:

=> Turbulence Training Certification Website

Alright, that's it for now, I think. Really excited to work with you on this.

If you still have any remaining questions, just email us at

Looking forward to seeing you in the Club,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Creator, Turbulence Training Certification

PS - Only Founder's Club members receive free admission to the TT Certification Summit this Fall.

If you hesitate and wait to join later this summer or whenever I re-open the TT Certification, the price of admission to the TT Certification Summit will be $497. So join the Founder's Club today and get immediate access to the Certification and free admission to the Summit:

=> TT Certification Founder's Club

The Founder's Club closes at midnight on Friday, April 1st.

(And no, this is NOT an April Fools joke. It's the real thing, and the $200 off deal ends at midnight Friday.)

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