Thursday, March 17, 2011

Deadlift Workout and Roman Exercises

Today I did my deadlift workout and later tonight I have a flight to LA. Heading to Orange County for the weekend to speak at a fitness trainer business seminar. I'll be hanging out with my best Armenian buddy, Bedros Keuilian.

Today's Workout

1) Deadlifts

2) Good Mornings

3A) Ab Wheel
3B) Power Shrug.

Rh-uined (say it like Stewie) by terrible classic rock music station. Frankly, it's not the totally the music's fault, it's the talking. So I have to fix this.

First thing next week...getting those Bose noise canceling headphones.

Also, last day for you to get the TT Titans bonuses with this from John Romaniello.

=> Final Phase Fat Loss - you get the TT Bonuses with this

Here are a couple of exercises from Roman. First, Romanz is switching it up on your inverted rows (SWITCH tip o' the day):

=> Switch "Side to Side" Inverted Rows

And here's another video of Mr. New York City Trainer:

=> Bulgarian Split Squat Variations

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

"Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go." - William hang tough.

And today's Independence tip:

"Develop and build our business's personality that stands out. People want to buy from people." - Yanik Silver, Maverick Business Rule #26......Be remarkable. People want to do business with people they know, like, and trust. Be cool. Pretty simple.

And last day to get TT Clash of the Titans,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Get Roman's Programs and the TT Titans bonuses here

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing that great inverted row video. I'm aiming to progress to those before I attempt 1-armed inverted rows. Keep your training hard-core!
