Tuesday, March 01, 2011

99% Better than TV Weight Loss Shows

We just finished up the 6-Week portion of our 10th TT Transformation Contest, and our top 5 male and female finalists have been posted here:

=> 6-Week TT Contest Finalists

Please vote!

Their results are more applicable to 99% of TT readers than the stuff you see on those TV weight loss shows.

Now don't get me wrong, that show offers incredible success stories, but about 99% of TT readers have only 30 pounds or less of body fat to lose.

So check out someone who is more like you here - and see what worked for them to finally lose the last 10-15 pounds in only 6 weeks:

=> 6-Week TT Contest Finalists

Plus, of course, they don't have 8 hours to exercise every day OR a personal chef.

Voting ends Friday,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Creator, Turbulence Training

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