Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Weight Loss Motivation Tips

If you struggle to stick with a program, some of the best things you can do keep at it are set goals, set a deadline for reaching those goals, take before photos and measurements, workout with a friend who has the same goals, and frequently visit an online weight loss forum.

I also recommend the 10th TT Transformation Contest to light a fire under your butt

=> Turbulence Training Transformation Contest

And here are 11 more motivational tips to help you stick to your program and goals this year

=> Fat Loss motivation tips

Training Resource of the Day:

I put a client through a quick "abs & torso training" circuit this are a few more for you

=> Abs Workout Circuits

And two kick-butt mindset tips for you:

"If you diligently and successfully apply each concept...and you continue to push in a consistent direction...accumulating momentum step by step and turn by turn, you will eventually reach breakthrough. It might not happen today, or tomorrow, or next week...But it WILL happen." - Jim Collins, "Good to Great".

Yes, it is a business book, but this quote applies to everything you do.


"Learning to take responsibility for everything you are, everything you do, and everything you have is the biggest challenge you will ever face in your life. Until you first accomplish this major step, it will do you no good to go any further on your quest for success." - Larry Winget

Get fired up,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
TT Transformation Contest

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