Wednesday, January 19, 2011

TT Bootcamps and Bodyweight Cardio

Couple of years ago, in response to reader demands, I put together a little workout called Bodyweight Cardio.

It was a hit, and last spring I created an even better version called "Bodyweight Cardio 3".

And within that program, the most popular session was Workout B, where you'll do 5 circuits of 5 exercises, spending 1 minute on each exercise.

I want to give you the first 3 rounds today, because I know it will give you some ideas for your bootcamps. Here we go:

Round #1
- Jumping Jacks
- Bodyweight Squats
- T-Pushups (alternate sides)
- Repeated Vertical Jumps
- Prisoner Lunges

Round #2
- Pushup
- Prisoner Squat
- Squat Thrust
- Duck Under
- Burpee

Round #3
- Seal Jump
- Spiderman Climb
- Get Up
- Side-Step
- Run in Place

Again, this was one of my most popular programs of 2010, and if you want Rounds 4 & 5, plus workouts A, C, and D from that program, AND the original TT Bootcamps 21-Workouts program, you can get them all here for only $19.95:

=> TT Bootcamp + Bodyweight Cardio

More bootcamp workouts on the way,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, TT Bootcamps

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