Saturday, January 01, 2011

New Year Workouts

Happy New Year my friend. Let's make 2011 your best year ever.

I started mind with a wet dog walk in the rain. But, it was really productive. Not sure why, but I thought up some crazy hardcore workouts for
you already - my mind was going a mile a minute with ideas.

And so I just tested one of them on a guinea pig at the gym. You'll like the workouts, including a bunch of barbell complexes that were tried out and you'll get the best of them in the February TT workout.

By the way, thanks to everyone who used TT this year!

I really appreciate all of your hard work and success. And don't forget to grab this free bodyweight workout - my gift to you - if you haven't already

=> Advanced Bodyweight Gauntlet Workout

And if you're gym isn't open but you want to train, here's a bodyweight cardio program you can do without equipment at home

=> Bodyweight Cardio Workout A - BWC3

Finally, today's kick-butt mindset that sums up how I feel about my future and yours:

"I shall shape my future. Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man's doing but my own. I am the force; I can clear any obstacle before me. Or I can be lost in the maze. My choice. My responsibility. Win or lose; only I hold the key to my destiny." – Og Mandino

Make 2011 your best year ever,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Test-drive Turbulence Training here

PS - Happy New Year!

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