Thursday, January 13, 2011

Get out of your comfort zone with me

Promise me you'll do something outside of your comfort zone today.

Something positive. I don't mean 8 shots of tequila.

And preferably something that helps others. I will be renting a car and driving through LA traffic to see Alwyn Cosgrove to learn some cool stuff to help you.

I am not looking forward to the car rental procedure. Also not a fan of driving in strange places. But whatever, I do it for TT.

I started the day with a 4:30am workout (amazingly, this is now IN my comfort zone). Early flight to LA coming up.

Today's training:

Upper body warmup (band pulls, stickups, pushups, cable external rotation)

1A) DB Incline press
1B) T-bar row

2A) 1&1/2 rep chinups
2B) Pushups

No time for arms...besides, I need them for flying. Alright, now off to see Alwyn Cosgrove, co-author of the New Rules of Lifting for Abs.

Getting out of the comfort zone to learn,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

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