Friday, January 21, 2011

Dog Walk and Meathead Workout

Great Friday so far. Started with a totally awesome 25 minute dog hike in knee-high snow and blowing winds this morning. Usually I wouldn't count a dog walk as exercise but that one started to get tough at the end.

FORTUNATE FACT: watching a dog run around in the snow makes it feel 10 degrees warmer.

Today's kickbutt mindset tip:

No matter what the world throws at you today, you are going to handle it awesomely and you are going to emerge from the day a better and stronger person because that's what you do.

(And no, I didn't get that from a fortune cookie.)

Today's lifting:

1A) Bench Press
1B) Pullups

2A) DB Incline Press
2B) DB Row

3A) Bodyweight Row
3A) DB Triceps Extension.

Followed by another dog walk...little shorter this time. Bally almost got lost in a 6 foot snow drift. He had to swim his way out...good times.

Couple of new blog posts for you:

1) 7-Day Fat Loss "Detox" Plan - with a couple of TT workout ideas included (i.e. a bodyweight circuit)

=> 7-Day Fat Loss Detox Plan

2) LA fat loss tips & scary nutrition facts from Men`s Health

=> 7-Day Fat Loss Guide From LA

Have a great "rest of Friday",

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

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