Sunday, January 16, 2011

3 fat loss secrets of successful clients

Last Thursday I flew out to sunny Los Angeles to meet up with fat loss expert, Alwyn Cosgrove, to brainstorm new workout ideas.

After spending an afternoon at his cutting-edge training facility near Santa Clarita, I drove back into LA (and the traffic was fine!) to meet a client for the weekend.

Now my client has struggled in the past with sticking to a diet and workout program, hence the emergency meeting.

We had a consultation before New Year's and identified three major problems that stopped his fat loss progress. I'm going to give you an insider look at how we fixed his fat loss (he's already down over 14 pounds since January 3rd).

Problem #1 - Not planning his diet

When he has a daily meal plan, he can stick to it, but when he tries to make the right choices "on the fly", he ends up overeating and choosing meals with hidden calories.

We fixed his diet by creating a plan that he sticks to 6-days per week, and he has one free day on the weekend. It's simple, but works better than any fancy plan.

Problem #2 - Not using a professionally designed workout program

Like most people, he tried to create his own workouts, but ended up wandering around the gym and not having a good - or short - fat burning workout. So even when his diet was good, he didn't lose fat.

But since starting TT workouts, he's now getting results, burning big-time calories, and cutting back on the time he spends exercising.

Problem #3 - No social support

As you know, we spend most of our time hanging around people who sabotage our diet and workout plans. So like you, my client needed to make an effort to spend more time with people who would support his goal and hold him accountable (another reason for the meeting).

Listen, I'd love to be flying around the world consulting 1-on-1 with every TT reader, but that's not possible.

However, here's what I can do for you.

I've set up a special page that gives you over 67% off a 1-year Platinum TT Membership, so you'll get professionally designed workouts, plus the ability to ask me all of your diet and exercise questions, AND proven nutritional plans - all to help you lose fat.

=> Get your 1-Year Platinum Membership and save 67% here
So instead of investing the full price of $297 for the year, I've rolled it back for a New Year's special of only $95 (the original
TT member's investment from when the site started in 2003).   
With the TT Platinum Membership, you'll get access to EVERY TT for Fat Loss Workout, Meatheads Program, Bodyweight Manual, and Workout Challenge I have created for you.

Plus, you'll have a full year of access to the forum where you can ask me any question you'd like AND you'll get the power of social support and accountability that you need to finally lose fat.

Accountability is truly a huge factor in your success.

(Just ask my 1-on-1 consulting clients.)

Please come and join the Turbulence Training community that is dedicated to helping YOU transform your body and your life.

=> Grab your 1-Year Platinum Membership here <== Gives you all 2011 workouts too

Once you've upgraded to the 1-year Platinum Membership, stop by the forums to introduce yourself and ask me your fat loss questions.

To your success,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Creator, Turbulence Training

PS - Here's a bonus tip I gave my client...

...we have him take daily weight measurements and he does weekly tape measuring of his waist, hips, chest, arms, and legs.

Research shows that consistently monitoring your progress leads to greater - and long lasting - results.

So you'll stay lean for life when you have this plan in place.

See you on the forums!


  1. Craig, Thanks for the post - the secrets you share seem so intuitive. I especially agree with #3. I've had far more successes with a partner who has similar fitness goals and we can then hold each other responsible for our activities and consumption. Couple that with a killer workout plan, like turbulence training, and let the weight loss begin.

  2. Great post Craig! It is key that people have goals and write them down for sure. I like to keep things simple so if I have a meal plan for the week it makes life so easy.


  3. Thanks Turbulence Training.

    I can't believe my own workout wrote a comment on my blog!!!!!!
