Monday, December 20, 2010

Transformation Surprises

Every time we have a TT Transformation Contest, I'm pleasantly surprised by the results. This time 3 things stand out...

First I was shocked by the massive fat loss of 2 male entries, and then I was pleasantly surprised by a powerful trend among our female transformation finalists.

By the way, if you haven't voted yet, please do so here (today, Monday, is the last day to vote):

=> Transformation Contest Voting

Now let me explain those 3 transformation shockers...

1) In past contests, our record fat loss results had been just under 34 pounds in 12 weeks (for both men and women).


But I was shocked to see that one of the men in the Over 40 category achieved an amazing 36 pounds in just 12 weeks. Pretty awesome, huh?

2) Among our female entries, we had several women using the most advanced and extreme TT workouts, including "TT Resistance Evil" and a couple of the TT Meatheads programs.

I love it when a girl trains hard to get lean and sexy. There isn't much that beats seeing a girl deadlifting in the gym.

3) And finally, the ultimate surprise...

...a gentleman in our over 40 category had the courage to enter and lose 55 pounds in 12 weeks.

Now as you'll see, he had a lot farther to go than most folks, but NOTHING stopped him.

He followed the TT core value: "Never, ever, EVER give up!"

I want to personally thank his brother (who told him about TT), and his sisters for supporting him in his journey.

I hope you'll check out his transformation...and ALL of our entries, and vote for them today here:

=> Transformation Voting

I am extremely proud and grateful of everyone who commits to the TT Transformation Contests.


Our first day to enter the 10th TT Transformation Contest is Sunday, December 26th. Yep, the day after Christmas.

All of the rules for the 10th - including the prizes - are here:


Looking forward to receiving your success story in 2011,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Creator, Turbulence Training

PS - Don't forget about your chance to get 17 TT Workouts... available this week only.

You'll get instant access to 17 of the Turbulence Training 2010 Monthly Workouts in this package:

=> 2010 TT Workout Package

Cheers to your success in 2011!

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