Thursday, December 30, 2010

Books, Movies, and Deadlifts

I've been cramming my head full of content over the holidays. I've read 5 books and watched 5 movies.

5 Books I've read over the holidays:
1) Fight Club
2) The Great Gatsby
3) Bring It by Tony Horton
4) New Rules of Lifting for Abs by Schuler and Cosgrove
5) Switch

5 Movies watched
1) Inception --- Ok, I admit, I only watched 90 minutes of it. Too much work.
2) The Dark Knight --- For the 2nd time
3) Easy A --- pretty good
4) Office Space --- didn't watch it all...maybe it was better in 1999
5) And a Louis C.K. HBO special. Pretty funny.

I've also watched Season 1 of "Eastbound and Down".

What about you?

Today's workout:

1) Hang Clean
2) Deadlift
3A) Rack Pull
3B) Renegade Row
3C) Stability Ball Plank

Today's tip: Do NOT round your back in any exercise or when you pick stuff off the ground.

If you are still doing crunches, STOP, and go get the best new book on safe ab training, get the New Rules of Lifting for Abs. This is MANDATORY reading for personal trainers.

And one more resource...this week's TT coaching call:

=> 7-Day Fat Loss Guide for 2011

Train hard but safe,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Creator, Turbulence Training

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:26 PM


    The link for The New Rules of Lifting For Abs is least for me. Just FYI.
