Friday, December 17, 2010

9th Transformation Contest Voting

Finalists of the 9th TT Transformation Contest are up. Please vote here (and check out the new records set in Men's Over 40 division!).

=> TT Transformation Contest #9 Finalists

And here's my Meathead Friday Workout

1A) Close-Grip Press
1B) Wide-Grip Seated Row

3) DB Chest Supported Row

3) KB Swing

4A) EZ Bar Triceps
4B) EZ Bar Curls

BTW, some of our female finalists here used Meathead workouts to lose fat and get sexy lean. Check those girls out here:

=> TT Transformation Contest #9 Finalists

Here's a list of some of our female clients and the workouts they used in the contest.

Buff Dudes/Hot Chicks

TT Hot chicks and buff dudes
TT for abs
TT transformation 2

TT Meatheads 4X4,
TT Resistance Evil,
TT Adrenaline.

TT for Meatheads V
TT for Jacked & Lean Meatheads
Resistance Evil: Afterburn TT

And here are the workouts used by Terry who lost a record-setting 36 pounds in the Men's Over 40 division:

TT 6 mth BW manual phases 1 and 2
TT DB depletion
TT BW Cardio 3.0

Cool stuff!

Today's resource:
This week's 7-day fat loss coaching call features Transformation Contest updates and abdominal exercise research (and my Christmas present)

=> Ab Exercises Update

And today's kick-butt mindset tip:

"Ask yourself this question: Does this activity move me closer to where I want to be or farther away?" - Larry Winget

Stay strong,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

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