Monday, November 22, 2010

From NYC to Toronto

Started the day at John Romaniello's house in NYC. Went to the wild J-E-T-S game yesterday and then watched the Eagles game at the Landcaster sports bar where I had a spinach salad with chicken and an avocado-lettuce-tomato wrap. 

Today's Toronto Deadlift Workout:

1) Deadlifts (335x8)

2) DB Bulgarian Split Squats

3) 1-leg stability ball leg curls

That was it.

BTW, here's everything I did and ate on a previous crazy travel adventure

=> Fat Loss Travel Report

And today's kickbutt mindset tip:

"Good Mondays start the whole week off right. Are you eating healthy today? Are you going to get in your workout later, or did you do it already?" - Bill Phillips

Get strong this week,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
TT For Fat Loss

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