Sunday, November 07, 2010

5000 Calorie Mexican Feast

Last week while on my Mexican vacation, I tried to explain to my buddy that nutrition was the key to fat loss. However, I was eating a waffle covered in chocolate and peanut butter at the time.

So he was skeptical...

It would have been better for me to give him this free report:

=> Holiday Fat Loss Nutrition Secrets <== How cheat meal nutrition works

Now here's the scoop on that chocolate-peanut butter was part of the wedding celebration day where I let myself eat and drink whatever I wanted, including:

- a delicious omelet and unlimited fruit to start the day, along with that infamous waffle
- fruit and almonds for a healthy, fiber-rich mid-morning snack
- champagne after the lunchtime wedding
- steak, vegetables, bread, and a couple of Coronas for a late lunch
- more champagne before the evening reception
- chicken, vegetables, bread rolls, and a few more Coronas
- and a late-night "Mudslide" drink that probably contained 750 calories

In the end, I consumed close to 5000 calories on that day. Of course, you know that is something I don't regularly do...but I was just as lean, if not leaner around the pool the next day despite the 5000 calories.

In the 17 Holiday Fat Loss Tips free report, you'll also discover...

- The#1 nutrient to eat
- The #1 type of calorie to AVOID (I limited this in Mexico most days)
- How you can put an end to "dieting" once and for all
- One weird tip to cut back on holiday food (using a beverage)
- How you can LOSE, not gain, 10-15 lbs this holiday season, all without having to give up ANYTHING between now and New Years

Impressive stuff.

By the way, there is one tip in the list that I don't think really works that well. It's tip #5 on page 6. It sounds great in theory, but for me anyways, it doesn't work that well in the real world.

Let me know what YOU think.
However, I live by Strategy #11 on page 9. It's not only the key to being lean, but the key to being HAPPY, GUILT-FREE, and LEAN. A very powerful tip right there.

Get this free holiday diet report here:

=> Holiday Fat Loss Blueprint <== Only available until tomorrow 

I know you'll be delighted to be LEANER after losing fat over the holidays.

Eat your way lean,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

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