Saturday, October 16, 2010

Turbulent Vegas

Had some good clean fun last night in Vegas.

First, started with a reward meal at the "Pink Taco" (Mexican restaurant) at the Hard Rock hotel. My renegade mustache had one of the pink tacos (highly recommended) and I had a veggie burrito (a little disappointing).

Then I ran into the one person I know who lives in Vegas (a buddy from Stratford who works for Cirque) and we hung out for a bit. Then me and my buddy Alex Maroko hit the Deadmau5 show for a few hours.

So my workout was:
Turbulent dancing/jumping around.

When I got home I was exhausted (I had almost been awake for 24 hours), but some reason I still decided to shave my mau5stache at 3am.

RIP mau5stache.

It feels like it was only Wednesday when you were part of a beard. But they say that the brightest stars burn out the fastest. Godspeed lil buddy.

Tonight...a low key night...have to work tomorrow. So hopefully some Baby Bok Choy at a restaurant in MGM (can't remember the name). What's your favorite meal in Vegas?

Today's kick-butt mind-set tip:

‎"Dream bigger." - Steve Jobs

Stay turbulent,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Get ready for the week ahead... checking out my top rated youtube videos (lots of bodyweight stuff and challenges)

=> Top Rated Exercise Videos

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