Monday, October 11, 2010

Mondays Are Good

Mondays are good. Especially holiday Thanksgiving Monday in Canada.

But there are also 3 reasons I love regular Mondays:

1) I get to squat, bench or deadlift. I always workout on Mondays.

2) WWE Raw (yep, I still watch it)

3) Monday Night Football. What about you? What makes Mondays for you?

Today's workout:

1A) Depth Jumps
1B) Trap Bar Deadlift - 365x5, 310x10

2A) DB rows - 110x3x8
2B) Ball Leg Curls

3A) Side Planks
3B) Hanging Knee Raises

Not bad.

Today's resources:

1) Free TT workout for men


2) Female fat loss tips and a quick workout for women


And today's kickbutt mindset tip:

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all."
Dale Carnegie never, ever, EVER give up on something that is important to you.

Stay strong,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - I'm almost at 2000 "Likes"...

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1 comment:

  1. Daniel4:06 PM


    This is a bit random but have you ever tried a spiderman plank? You are in a regular plank position and bring your knee to your elbow just like a spiderman pushup. I do 5 per side and then hold the plank or 30 seconds and repeat. Killer ab exercise!
