Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Early Start to the Day

My dog got me up at 4am today and I've already hit two dog walks. Got a lot of work done, too.

My training:

Lots of stretching, planks, side planks, ring pullups, bb row, bb shrugs. That was it.

Today's resource:

A free 600 calorie workout (TT-approved) plus faster fat loss report here (triset #1 of the workout is epic)


Today's kick-butt mindset tip:

Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.
Les Brown

Take action today,


PS - Remember this...

Kekich Credo #65. "Bitterness, jealousy, and anger empower your enemies and enslave you. It also erodes your health. Forgive, learn your lessons, and get on with your life."

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